Private Residence, Maricopa, AZ - Investigation Report

Case Number: SPI200607-S-MBRES
Location: Private Residence Maricopa, AZ

Solar X-rays: M Class
Geomagnetic: Quiet
Temp: 93f Dew Point: 32f
Humidity: 11% Pressure 29.77" rising
Wind: SSW 2mph
Moon: Waning Crescent

Investigators: David Delgado, Dave Webb, Danielle Waluck, Paul Bradford, Sandra Senecal, Will Ferraoli

The home is a one story, new build, single family residence. During the investigation the home owner left the residence and only SPI investigators and the cat were present inside the home. The dog remained in the backyard throughout the investigation. Base was set up in the attached two car garage.

Previous to arriving on the location we learned that Mr. and Ms. went their separate ways. Ms. and her two children moved out of the residence.

For the purposes of identifying location, SPI has labeled the rooms of the residence as: Boy?s room, Girl?s room, Master Bedroom, Study, Front Room, Great Room, Kitchen.

For each room we drew a simple map of the room on squared paper (recreated for this report) and detailed EMF and temperature sweeps to establish baselines, identify and potentially validate, any abnormal readings.

Our EMF findings throughout the residence were within normal limits with slight increases in expected areas such as near appliances and other electrical equipment. We did find one odd yet very slight and static spike near the front door however the reading was well within normal limits and remained constant. This reading is not believed to be of a paranormal nature. EMF readings, as measured by Sperry Single Axis EMF meter, Gausmaster and Tri-field natural EM Meter ranged between 0 to .2 throughout the house, with normal spikes near electrical sources and appliances around 1.0 and 5.0 (behind fridge).

Temperature readings throughout the night were within normal ranges raising as the AC was off, and cooling when the AC came back on. Temperature readings were constant between 79 and 81 degrees as measured by Digital Thermometer w K CSI6500 probe (CSI6500) (thermocouple - reads 2X per second) and 81 to 89 degrees as measured by TIF 7000AC Digital Thermometer/Pyrometer with Superheat Probes.

A total of 335 digital, 28 film photos (without flash) and 22 game camera photos were taken. Nothing unusual was noted on any of them.

A total of 22.5 hours of video was reviewed. Video captured orbs which are determined to likely be caused by dust, pet fur and insects. There was one shadow reported on video captured in the boy's room which may be attributed to the neighbor taking his trash out and his shadow being cast upon the wall (evidence remains under review and will be released at a later date depending on findings)

A total of 12.5 hours of audio was captured and reviewed. EVP work was conducted by investigators in known hot spots in the home. Teams of two conducted the EVP work as follows:

  • David Delgado and Sandra Senecal conducted EVP in the front room.
  • David Webb and Will Ferraoli conducted EVP work in the Great Room.
  • Danielle Waluck and Paul Bradford conducted EVP in the boy's room.

During the EVP sessions no EVPs were recorded, however on review of audio we did capture one anomalous voice. This recording was captured in the boy?s room and occurred during the time that Danielle and Paul were conducting EMF and Temperature sweeps in another part of the house. The rest of the team is accounted for; they are at base in the garage. Voices on the recording belong to the investigators in the garage and the EVP is a whispery voice which is heard over the investigator voices from the garage. The EVP is a class C3Y EVP (see table 1.1). A copy of the EVP is presented with this report.

The investigation proper began at 9:45 PM. It continued until the team broke down around 1:45 AM. Investigation teams entered the residence in teams of two as described above in AUDIO/EVP. Each team spent approximately 1+ hours in the home conducting EVP work, validating sounds such as the refrigerator or AC coming on and off, taking readings of temperature and EMF, and taking photographs. After each team had completed their ?investigation? the whole investigative team gathered in the great room and did some calling out/informal EVP work. During this time, the team was on camera asking for any spirits present to speak to us, show themselves, or make themselves known in some way. We did not experience any results from this activity.

Environmental Factors.

Temperature ranges in the home were steady, variance is seen with different measuring devices or with the AC coming on or off. Humidity in the home was found to be within expected ranges between 25.3% and 36%.

Some of the residents of the home include a cat and a dog. These residents provided significant hair and dust to the environment. It is observed that air fresheners in the form of Plug-Ins are found throughout the home.

The cat was present inside the home throughout the investigation and was documented on video. Sounds of movement captured on audio and video equipment is therefore attributed to the cat as a viable source.


The residents had previously reported that a rocking chair in the boy's room would move on its own. Between the original interview and the investigation however, the rocking chair was removed from the residence. In its place SPI. attempted to capture movement of an object by placing a child?s ride in car in the location where the rocking chair previously sat. Tape was placed on the carpet at the front and back of the wheels in an attempt to measure any movement and a video camera was trained on the toy. The toy did not move

The residents reported that dishes would move in the kitchen area. In order to test this, we placed a cup on the counter in the kitchen. The cup did not move.


The initial take of the investigators after the investigation was that nothing was currently going on at the home. We are able to offer a reasonable explanation to some of the experiences of the homeowner ? these are not guaranteed explanations, but rather possibilities to be considered.

  • Items in the kitchen (cup and knife): Because Ms. maintained an exceptionally clean home, some behaviors become habit. For instance, if one sees a used cup (or knife) they would automatically pick it up and put it in the kitchen without another thought. Later they might come upon the cup (or knife), and remembering that they had done the dishes, feel quite certain that there should be no cup (or knife). Alternately, children pick up behaviors from their parents. The potential exists that the two year old girl has observed mother being very clean. She may have seen the cup out of place, and taken it to the kitchen herself.
  • Odor of cigarettes on the sofa: Mr. is a former smoker, this may make him sensitive to the scent of cigarette smoke. The smell at the sofa may have been left over from either Mr.'s smoking days, or a transfer smell from a smoker who visited and sat on the sofa potentially transferring the odor to the sofa through sweat, or clothing.
  • Light bulb under the microwave: Light bulbs are sometimes faulty or cheap.
  • Sounds of children laughing in great room: We observed that sound traveled through the house VERY well. One video camera was set up in the great room and voices from the garage were picked up. It is possible that the sounds of children in the great room, were in fact the sounds of children outside which could have been mistaken for children?s voices inside the home.
  • Unsettling dreams of cheating: Relationship stress is always significant and can be noted on a subconscious level before it is recognized consciously. Because this relationship did end, it is possible that the dreams were an unconscious recognition of insecurities surrounding the relationship.

We were not able to validate reported temperature fluctuations or the chair moving. These things did not occur while SPI was investigating. We were not able to validate information related James K. Thorton or on the partial social security number ? our research turned up nothing.

On review of the evidence, we were admittedly surprised to find the voice anomaly and have yet to find a logical explanation for this anomaly. We present the EVP evidence to the homeowner for his personal conclusion; however SPI would consider this location a viable location for further investigation.

*UPDATE* On return to the residence to share our findings, SPI learned that Mr. and Ms. had reconciled and the family were all residing in the home together. Activity has increased in the home since Ms. returned. The baby refuses to sleep in his room at this point. Please note, while Ms. resided in an apartment away from the home, she experienced NO activity.

On review of the audio evidence, Mr. changed some settings in the graphic equalizer. He was able to hear a complete sentence in the recording and it appeared to be a message for Ms. and it relates to a specific occurrence in Ms. life. This investigation is on-going.