SPI: Arizona-wide TAPS Family Ghost Haunting Investigation Group

Are you experiencing paranormal activity?  Does your home have a real ghost?  Do you think your work location or business is haunted?  Do you want a free paranormal investigation?  Are you looking for ghost hunters but are having trouble distinguishing from among numerous groups all appearing to be good?  Are you anywhere in Arizona, including the Phoenix and Tucson metropolitan areas?  Then you have come to the right place.

Sonoran Paranormal Investigations (SPI) is an experienced team that has been covering the entire state of Arizona for over 16 continuous years.


SPI is trustable and safe:  SPI never charges a thing for its services.  Our members undergo initial and yearly criminal background checks.  We enter into written confidentiality agreements with clients.


SPI is professional:  We are scientifically oriented, use proven equipment, mature methods, rigorous protocols, and mentored personnel.


SPI is connected:  We know of resources that may provide you further assistance, if needed, after we diagnose your situation. In addition, we are the only group in Arizona that is a member of the TAPS family.

 TAPS Family Member

TAPS is The Atlantic Paranormal Society that pioneered the scientific approach to ghost hunting.  It has the longest-running paranormal TV show in history, Ghost Hunters, as well as numerous spinoffs such as Ghost Hunters International, Ghost Hunters Academy, and Ghost Nation.  Jason Hawes continues to lead Ghost Hunters on the Travel Channel and Discovery+, aided by Dave Tango, Steve Gonsalves, and Shari Debenedetti .


The TAPS Family is an international organization of like-minded groups and professionals that is associated with TAPS.


TAPS Family membership means that we operate with high standards of professionalism, have access to experts world-wide, and use practices and equipment that have been vetted across the globe.

SPI is trusted:  Our clients often ask us back.  Our clients include homeowners, renters, businesses, professionals, public and private institutions, historic sites, and federal, state, and local government agencies.

SPI is serious:  The activities conducted at the investigation site, i.e., the vigil, is just the tip of the iceberg.  4-5 times the number of hours that are used for the vigil are dedicated to other activities.  This includes the meticulous review, processing, correlation, and analysis of the data captured.  This is followed by diagnosis, development of recommendations, prognosis, and the production of a formal and thorough investigation report.

Our investigation report typically runs 25-30 pages in length.  It includes research findings for the geographic location and building structure, reported phenomena, investigative approach, equipment used, activities conducted, evidence found, video and audio logs, conclusions, and recommendations.

This report documents for the client everything we learned, providing context to the photographs and audio and video clips that we also provide to the client during our Reveals.  For SPI, the report serves as the basis for planning possible future re-investigations of the site.  It also forms a part of a cross-case research database for the development of new theories, approaches, and methods. 

Can I Investigate My Own Haunting?

Everyone has access to the gear that ghost hunters use, and you can pick up a lot of ideas on how to investigate by just watching TV shows. So, yes you can investigate your own haunting. But is it a good idea?

For openers, you are biased. You can’t help it. You are either biased toward your theory of what is happening or away from what you dread. It is hard for you to be impartial because you have a stake in what is going on and your emotions are invested. For these reasons, even though SPI investigators are highly experienced and capable, they have not investigated their own hauntings.

SPI staffs vigils with multiple investigators to not only do more in less time but to cross-check each other and counter biases. The collection of SPI member owned equipment is more extensive in terms of types and numbers than what individuals can usually afford. SPI has also developed proprietary custom software and hardware.

Many of the techniques you see used on many TV shows are bad, flawed, or even full of risk. Most TV shows do things for entertainment value, shock, and bravado. Their approach does not yield data that is helpful in analyzing a situation and diagnosing what is happening. SPI’s approach is proven to be productive in capturing a sufficient quantity and quality of data that supports analysis.

SPI investigators acquire knowledge through participation in numerous cases of different types and by following protocols that the group has developed and refined through years of collective experience, testing, and refinement. These protocols go beyond what is needed to investigate. Protocol coverage includes analysis, correlation of data, hypothesis testing, diagnosis, development of a recommended response, and prognosis.

Many TV shows do not follow a sound process to reach conclusions. They simply jump to the nearest conclusion, usually a wild and fantastic one with a strong awe factor. A small number of shows do have a good process, but they don’t show it for lack of time or because it looks dull and boring.

All of this suggests that the knowledge that you may have acquired from watching TV shows is likely deficient and unsuitable. Worse, you may not know what you don’t know.

So no, we do not recommend that you investigate your own situation.